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the Data-Sandwich Companion app

Get the Data-Sandwich Companion app on Google Play and Apple App Store here.


The companion phone app advantages -


  • First and foremost, there is no disruption to how you are already innovating. It will only make what you are already doing, better.

  • Any approved contributor can submit innovation ideas for the wider team to consider and vote on. It will enable you to merge teams to avoid innovation in a vacuum.

  • Book FREE simple  innovation kick-starter challenges which accelerate your understanding of how to run innovation projects in a safer way with elevated creativity.

  • Completing FREE challenges rewards free access to the full platform and companion phone apps.

  • Always be on top of what is happening, instantly. Anyone within your secure private innovation group, inside or out of the organisation, is always on the same page.

    • Track how teams are evolving innovation ideas, learn how to accelerate and deepen the creative dimension of your project​

    • Monitor hidden risk factors through an enhanced  governance layer which keeps your projects on track for success. No more stalling projects due to sub-optimal colaboration with no forward movement.

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